Broken foot, best thing that happened to me this summer! Seriously, I really mean that. 6 weeks ago an 80lb concrete slab fell onto my barefoot, crushing it and rendering it useless for 6 weeks. I couldn't work, couldn't walk or drive. I lived in my dads lazy boy at my parents house, spending my days on the internet, reading or lying in the sun. As you can imagine I've had tons of time to think about my life and future. Before this happened I was constantly working, and being busy with all of life's stuff. Working and eating junk food, not exercising, not praying the way I'd like to, not paying attention to life and how my poor choices were hurting me. I was getting sicker and sicker day by day. Than CRACK, there goes my foot and I'm flat on my butt for 6 weeks. Now, I don't know if God breaks peoples feet or not, but I know that He was helping me to take a break and take a look at my life. You know what? I'm really thankful, I'm so glad my foot broke. That's kinda weird but I've made some great changes in my life this past 6 weeks that I never would have made going the way I was. I changed my diet, changed my thought life (thinking more positive), and I even decided to go back to school. I've been on the web watching some really amazing health videos that are changing my life. I'll put up the links at the bottom of this post so you all can be blessed by them as well. Oh, yeah and I should mention. The best part about breaking my foot, getting to spend time with family and friends that I never saw while I was so busy working. It's been great, I have the best family in the world, really. Well, the 6 weeks is over now and I go back to work. I know I'll be prioritizing my life differently now, I don't want it to take another broken foot to slow me down again. I'm gonna live each day as it comes, with Jesus as my faithful guide. Like He says, "don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will worry about itself". Just going back to the basics, living simply, loving God and loving people! 
God Bless,

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